After nearly a decade, No Doubt arrive at Coachella to perform

It has been nearly a decade since their last performance as a band and this year at Coachella, No Doubt play on stage to roaring crowds. The lead singer, Gwen Stefani steps out in a full-plaid which looks to be heavily inspired by the 90’s, and a confidence that fully reflects her look.

The band played all their hits including “It’s My Life,” and “Just a Girl,”. After they had played “Bathwater,” a surprise special guest that’s recently gotten a buzz from the music industry, Olivia Rodrigo steps out to sing with them. Both Stefani and Rodrigo took turns singing different lines on the song, and at the end of their duet, they gave each other a hug in front of the Coachella crowd before running off together.

The band No Doubt includes Gwen Stefani on vocals, Tony Kanal on bass, Tom Dumont on guitar and Adrian Young on the drums – they last had reunited in 2012 for the album Push and Shove, their first album released in 11 years. Their last performance before this took place in 2015. This was a big thing for the band, coming back in the most iconic way yet again, and Gwen Stefani had commented on it previously to the show:

“It’s gonna be amazing. I’m so excited. And I think what is gonna be hilarious is, I know what’s gonna happen, I’m gonna get onstage and look around and just start like, cracking up because it’s just gonna be like riding a bike. We’re gonna be like, ‘What are we doing?”

No Doubt concluded their set on stage to a loud crowd, taking this reunion of a show away with  lovely memories of the performance.

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